I developed pydis in two days to disprove some of the falsehoods about performance and optimisation regarding software and interpreted languages in particular.

Unfortunately many programmers, due to their lack of experience, of some knowledge of computer architecture(s), or of an in-depth understanding of the task they are given, spend countless hours by making life harder for themselves in the name of marginal performance gains, often trading many other conveniences (such as type safety, garbage collection, etc) too.

pydis is < 250 lines of idiomatic Python code, providing a subset of redis’ functionality for which there are official benchmarks, and yet it’s ~60% as fast as Redis measured in number operations per second.

Remember, man-hours are more expensive that cpu-time.




Benchmark pydis redis Ratio
SET 301,582 379,944 0.794
GET 264,841 455,237 0.582
INCR 238,670 442,483 0.539
LPUSH 246,867 386,442 0.639
RPUSH 258,845 376,787 0.687
LPOP 297,397 355,276 0.837
RPOP 280,095 399,511 0.701
SADD 223,700 416,842 0.537
HSET 240,649 367,985 0.654
SPOP 285,936 442,747 0.646
LRANGE (100) 26,162 99,703 0.262
LRANGE (300) 9,135 21,211 0.431
LRANGE (500) 5,788 14,649 0.395
LRANGE (600) 4,339 10,659 0.407
MSET 157,963 172,226 0.917